

Introduction: AI, Computational Linguistics and IOL

Human beings are very good at scanning through a small amount of text and numbers, known as _alphanumeric _information. We are even good at evaluating a large amount of what is called _low-dimensional _information if it is presented in a suitable format, a graph or a pie chart for instance. However, sifting through the detail of a large amount of alphanumeric information, or visualizing high dimensional data are things we are poor at. On the other hand, computers are very good at processing numbers and text quickly and accurately. (Chesney, 2009)

Learning to program using simple tools helps to promote problem solving, creativity, thinking mathematically and using logic and reasoning in children. In this workshop we will explore using Scratch and other related tools for the primary classroom for a variety of purposes including telling stories, geometric thinking, construction and teamwork. Find out how even the youngest students can do this with just a little knowledge. These skills are intuitive to learn and allow students to do simple things in a fuss-free manner whilst providing opportunities for creativity to flourish.

CS unplugged 不插電資訊科學教育



  1. 機器的擅長

  2. 人類的專長與價值


(後) AI 時代的思維訓練

後 AI 時代,因為重複性、計算性的工作已然由及其所承擔,涉及到的是一個工作分界模糊的社會型態。


因為要面臨的情境,跨越了傳統的學門邊界,常常是以「主題」、「問題」的面貌出現。傳統學校教育設計恐怕來不及因應這個趨勢,因此用「遊戲」「解謎」等思考娛樂的方式,可能是補足教育的一個趨勢。語言的邏輯分析,或是語言學奧林匹亞競賽所要測試的能力,剛剛好符合這個需要。有些比較有遠見的國家,已經開始紮根這個部分。以芬蘭、愛爾蘭的 Problem Solving Iniative 為例。

  • 從少量已知推算未知與決策 Reasoning with small data

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