

Similarity and Association


  • The concept of similarity is quite elusive.

  • 先定義好在妳的應用中「相似」是什麼意思,再來想數學模式。


  • 把文本相似度的量度表徵為幾何空間的距離 (distance measure),是常用的作法。

  • Cosine similarity 被認為比 Euclidean 還有效率。

    以下計算 cosine similarity 的例子來自


Text 1: statistics skills and programming skills are equally important for analytics
Text 2: statistics skills and domain knowledge are important for analytics
Text 3: I like reading books and travelling

文詞矩陣dtm 就會長成這樣


T1 = (1,2,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0)
T2 = (1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0)
T3 = (0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1)

將文本表徵成這樣,就可以用 cosine similarity來算它們之間的「相似度」。

$$sim(T1,T2) = (T1 T2) / (\sqrt(\sigma(T1^2)) sqrt(sum(T2^2))) = 77%

Misplaced &
  • tm 套件提供一個將文本轉成 文詞矩陣 (document-term matrix) 的函式,方便後續各種計量分析與模式的處理。

dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(docs)
# convert rownames to filenames
rownames(dtm) <- filenames
# collapse matrix by summing over columns
freq <- colSums(as.matrix(dtm))
# length should be total number of terms
# create sort order (descending)
ord <- order(freq, decreasing=TRUE)
# List all terms in decreasing order of freq and write to disk


  • 前述的分佈語意表徵模式,對於計算相似性很方便。

  • R 的相關套件:

    • lsa (2011)

    • Word-2-Word (2012)

    • LSAfun (2015)

可以用 LSAfun (An R package for computations based on Latent Semantic Analysis) 來做入門練習。此套件使用了預先準備好了的 LSA 空間,提供以下功能 (Günther F et al. 2015)。如果要自行實際建構 LSA 空間,可使用 lsa 或其他套件。

  • 詞彙、文本的相似度計算 (Similarity Computations between words, word lists, and documents)

`` load(file.choose())



多向度標示法 (Multi-Dimensional Scaling, MDS) 也是一種可以用在文本分析的多變量資料分析方法。特別是希望呈現處資料內的連續結構 (向度、因素等),而非離散結構 (分類、分割等) 的時候。

  • 常被運用在分析相似度

  • Multidimensional scaling takes a table of similarities among words and turns it into a visual display like a map showing distances among words. And you can use a diagram called word cloud to display the results.

  • 去摺 (unfolding) 原理可用來詮釋受試者對於物件偏好的潛在機制。將受試者和物件同時標示在同一個空間,受試者距離物件的遠近就反映他對物件的偏好程度。

  • Extending word clouds with covers:

    Drawing boundaries around groups of words is one way to get some of this information. These boundaries are called covers. Covers surround the places in the chart where similar words congregate together.(Stuhl, 2015)

Word cloud with convex hull covers

Word cloud with Kernel density covers

Word cloud with Kernel density covers


Heat maps of words


Graph layout of words

Space and Cosine Similarity measures for Text Document Clustering


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