
  • 社群網站造就了語言使用、文本閱讀經驗與意見傳播渠道的多元。

  • 我們意見的形成與表達 (forming and framing opinions) 的社會心理機制也不同於以往。

  • 我們在社會媒體的各種活動,也產生不同了的政治運動、運作與效應。



  • 立場、態度、意見、觀點、意識形態、信念 | 說服、爭論、想、相信、覺得、以為

  • Opinions reveal how users feel about an event, a person, or any focus of discussion.

  • 學者版: "A public act by a social actor, achieved dialogically through overt communicative means (language, gesture, and other symbolic forms), through which social actors simultaneously evaluate objects, position subjects (themselves and others), and align with other subjects, with respect to any salient dimension of the socio-cultural field" (Du Bois, 2007).

  • Evaluation, Affect and Epistemicity ("committment") (Englebretson, 2007).


  • 形式上,就是短、短、再短一點!

  • 語言學上關於 stance-taking language and\/or linguistic behaviour of arguing 的討論,要關心的是 the lexical and grammatical expression of attitudes, feelings, judgments, or commitment concerning the propositional content of a message (Biber et al,, 1999).

  • 舉例來說,語言特徵中有一個很明顯的,就是言談標誌 (marker).


  • I guess, which can be used to initiate an assessment\/assertion and to invite interlocutors to also take a stance, or used in responsive actions to alter the speaker's own previous attitude or assertion (Kӓrkkӓinen, 2007).

  • Use of meta-discourse in writing persuasive texts \/ establishing authority.

簡單講,我們可以利用語言學的分析,了解 how users position themselves and express their attitude on certain issue in online discussions (esp.. in the opinionated context).


Reconizing stances in Debates: automatically determining from text whether the author of the text is in favor of, against, or neutral towards a proposition or target.


"I am dying to see the Life of Pi"
我迫不及待要看少年 pi 的奇幻漂流了

"I am looking for a car to replace my old Ford Focus, any suggestions?"

(Liu, 2015)
  • intention mining



  • 每一行潑文受限於 27 個中文字;每則潑文前面可以放推噓標籤。


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